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Fort Indiantown Gap’s 11,000-acre training corridor is located between two Appalachian Mountains, Blue Mountain and Second Mountain, reaching 600 to 700 feet above mean sea level. The location provides a self-contained training area with minimum training distractions. Its protected location makes it ideal for live fire training. Some 120 miles of roads and trails, well-suited for wheeled and tracked vehicles, run throughout the corridor and its training areas.

Fifty training areas are located throughout the corridor and are suitable for bivouac, maneuver, vehicle training, unit tactics, convoy training and other customized training focusing on training realism. FTIG Range Operations is committed to working with unit commanders to develop realistic and targeted training plans for each unit.  Multiple training areas may be linked to create large corridors for lanes training. Training areas are approved for pyrotechnics and for small arms weapons (blank fire).

Fort Indiantown Gap is the nation's premier National Guard Training facility.  With our numerous training ranges and facilities, we offer unparalleled full-spectrum combat training opportunities for Combat Arms, Combat Support and Combat Service Support units. We remain the only National Guard installation in the country to successfully integrate live, virtual and constructive gaming into a training package for assured success.

Call FTIG Range Operations at (717) 861-2152/2153 for a training consultation. Our training design team is one of the best in the National Guard and the nation; our mission is to support you in meeting your commander's intent and maximizing your training time in the high-tempo contemporary operating environment.