Home : Garrison : Environmental Management

Environmental Resources

people walking in a group on a guided tour through an environmental area at Fort Indiantown Gap in Lebanon County, PAThe Bureau of Environmental Management (BEM) is committed to environmental excellence in supporting the missions of the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs as well as the PA National Guard.  The bureau manages issues ranging from endangered species to cultural resources to hazardous waste.  Whether it is soldiers preparing for overseas deployments and state emergencies or focusing on natural resource management and pollution control – the protection of the environment is a priority.

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​​Environmental Management Resources

Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) Program

Environmental Documents

Regal Fritillary Butterfly Habitat at Fort Indiantown Gap

Timber Stumpage Sales


​Contact Us

Bureau of Environmental Management

Bldg. 0-11, Fort Indiantown Gap

Annville, PA 17003-5002

Phone: 717-861-8181

Fax: 717-861-8249